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Low-Cost Spay / Neuter & Microchip Voucher Program

Spay / Neuter App

Please help us in the fight to prevent unwanted animals, reduce animal overpopulation, and eliminate euthanasia in shelters.



  • For residents of Lancaster County, Pageland, Jefferson, Fort Lawn and Great Falls only. If you reside outside of these areas, you can search for other low cost spay/neuter options by zip code at this link.

  • Voucher cost: $20 Males, $30 Females. Price is valid for cats and dogs only at our veterinarian partner, Healthy Pets Spay, Neuter & Wellness Clinic of Rock Hill, SC. Your portion is payable to Healthy Pets at the time of service.

  • Pets must be up-to-date on vaccines or additional charges will be incurred (proof required). Needed vaccines are $5 each at the time of service.

  • Microchips (highly recommended for all pets) are available for $25 (includes lifetime registration). 

  • Please complete the spay/neuter application (link below) and allow approximately 10 days for processing. 

  • Once processed, a voucher to be presented at the vet's office (Healthy Pets Spay, Neuter and Wellness Clinic of Rock Hill, SC) will be sent to you for the pet(s) you indicated on your application. You may contact Healthy Pets directly to set up an appointment once your voucher(s) are received.

  • Use this application for up to four (4) pets. If you need vouchers for more than four pets, please use a second  application.

  • Vouchers expire 120 days from date of issue.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Stray/feral/unfriendly or any difficult-to-handle cats must arrive at appointment in a wire trap, NOT a standard cat carrier for the protection of the staff. If they do not arrive in a wire trap, service may be denied.

  • Note that voucher recipients names may be shared for billing/reporting purposes.

  • Vouchers are intended for low-income residents.

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Please Spay or Neuter your pets!

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